Friday, November 30, 2012

Upcoming December Events

Hi everyone! We would love to invite you all to attend our Dec. 7th Meeting /
Family Movie Night Celebrating Our Children!
The students will be choosing the movie in their classroom.
What is provided?
The PTA will provide the popcorn.
We will also be selling snacks and drinks.
There will be Three (3) amazing gift baskets for our drawing and every family that attends will receive a ticket toward the drawing.
Please bring blankets if you would like to sit down on the front area. We will also have
tables in the back for additional seating.
This will also be our
Opening Night for the Holiday Store.
Students may purchase from the Holiday store which will open December 7th.
Finally we are having two fundraiser nights this month at Lone Star. So while you are out and about getting your Christmas shopping done stop on by and have a bite to eat! Please be sure to mention our school so that we can get the appropriate credits. :)
The first one is December 15th and the other date is December 18th.

Monday, October 15, 2012

PTA Meeting and Family Night

Sorry to all of you out there Please join us we are going to try to make this Blog for Ventana Ranch PTA work so we can get the word out to you all! Just a few things: COME JOIN US FOR OUR FIRST 2012-2013 SCHOOL YEAR! IT WILL BE A MEETING / FAMILY NIGHT! WE WILL HAVE FUEL UP TO PLAY AND KONA ICE THERE! WE WILL DISCUSS UPCOMING EVENTS!
DATE: 10/16/2012
TIME: 6:30-7:30

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

JDRF fundraiser update

So sorry we have not used this blog recently.  We wanted to let you know that the school did a fantastic job of raising money for JDRF.  The kids gathered $5,811.40!!!!!!!!
You should all be proud of your kids for striving to help others.  Thank you for supporting them in their efforts.
VRES has been one of the highest earning schools in NM that holds walks for JDRF.

Thanks for your support

Monday, January 9, 2012

Family Dance and Art Show

Friday, January 13th is the annual Family dance and art show.  The theme of the dance is a sock hop.  Come wearing fun and crazy socks.  Shoes must also be worn.  Please bring a package of new socks to donate to the PTA clothing bank.
Every student is invite to bring and original piece of art.  Please label art on the back with the child's name, their teacher, and grade on the back.

Pizza and drinks will be sold.  $1.50 per pizza slice and 50 cents per drink.

There will also be face painters and balloon artists free of charge.

Monday, November 7, 2011

PTA Meeting

There will be a General PTA meeting this Thursday, November 10th at 6:30 pm in portable B-28.  We will have a treasurer's report on the money that has been eaned and spent this semester.  We will also discuss the activities planned for next semester.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Jog-a-thon a success!

The jog-a-thon was a fun event.  Thanks to all of you who were able to make it and help mark the childrens' laps and cheer them on.  We would like to thank Ms. Boltman who ran 60 laps!  She ran all day with every class. 

We hope your children are proud of themselves for the amount of laps they were able to accomplish.  The measurement of the track came out to 6 1/2 laps equalling 1 mile.  So, let your kids know about what distance they ran.  They should have come home with the amount of laps they ran recorded in their agenda. They also should have come home with a certificate and coupon from Hinkle Family Fun Center.

Please turn in all donations by Friday the 21st, or sooner if possible.  Once all the money is counted we can determine which classes in each grade will host the Jog-a-thon trophy, and the class that earned a pizza party for the most donations overall.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Our 2nd anual Jog-a-thon is coming up on October 14th.  Look for flyers in backpacks on Thursday.